Iglesia Luterana Costarricense

english18By government invitation, representatives of the social and productive sector – workers, farmers, environmentalists, community leaders, academics, indigenous people, union workers, businesspeople and religious people – were present at the Presidential House to present and follow-up on a proposal to create a national dialogue and provide practical measures that seek to guide solutions to the crisis, which has immersed the country in poverty and exclusion.

Costa Rican President Oscar Arias opened the session, and immediately after the introduction of participants, Bishop Melvin Jimenez of the Lutheran Church of Costa Rica explained the meticulous work that formed the proposal through support from social and productive sectors.

english17For the first time, Costa Rica will host the 6th Central American Congress on HIV/AIDS and Sexually Transmitted Infections and the 6th Central American Meeting of People Living with HIV/AIDS.
With the theme “Youth and Aids: my right to know and decide,” the government of Costa Rica and the local CONCASIDA organizing committee will host activities in the National Culture Center amphitheater in San Jose, the official launchpad of this important international event.

At the official opening, all public and national activities related to this topic will be recognized – activities developed by government ministries, civil society, non-governmental organizations, private businesses and cooperation agencies. The event takes place in Costa Rica October 25-30, 2009.

english15The Lutheran Church of Costa Rica (ILCO) and the Southwestern Texas Synod jointly presented a project titled “Youth Formation: Moving toward a sustainable Lutheran Church in Costa Rica.” The initiative is part of ILCO's 2010 sustainability challenges.

On March 26, 2009, five representatives from the Southwestern Texas Synod visited the ILCO: Rev. Al & Patty Hoerig, Jack Balsley, Rev. Norm Sulaica and Jeanne Palmer. The objective of the visit was to evaluate the progress of the sustainability project, which was made possible thanks to a special offering from the companion synod.

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