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Add Nicaraguan folkloric dance to First English Lutheran Church's cultural repertoire.
Led by Pastor William Hassel, eight members of a delegation from Victoria, Texas, shared, sang and danced in several communities of faith of the Lutheran Church of Costa Rica in a late-May visit. Activities included:
learning the basic steps of a Nicaraguan folkloric dance. The group's professors? A dozen girls in the La Carpio dance class, part of ILCO's efforts to recover Nicaraguan culture.
sharing “The Old Rugged Cross” as part of the fourth anniversary celeberation of the rural community of faith in Carit, Puriscal.
lending a helping hand in children's English classes in Casa Abierta, a preschool run by ILCO in the marginalized San José suburb of Alajuelita.
The visits to three different communities of faith emphasized a few of ILCO's key ministries: children, youth and immigrants.
In addition to a financial donation, the delegation also donated 10 suitcases, filled to the brim with school supplies, games, books and first-aid supplies to be distributed among ILCO's communities of faith.
ILCO sends its warmest thanks and blessings to its brothers and sisters at First English Lutheran Church and Christ the Victor Church.