Iglesia Luterana Costarricense

Finding God in the Rainforest

english44“Where you go, I’ll go. Where you stay, I’ll stay. When you move, I’ll move. I will follow you. How you love, I’ll love. How you serve, I’ll serve. If this life I lose, I will follow you.” by -Chris TomlinI; I Will Follow
Nombre de autor: DeNae vanWestrienen
“Dear Children, let us not love with words or tongue, but with actions and in truth.” 1 John 3:18

I’ve always been passionate about global missions. My long-term plans, pre-husband and kids, included Peace Corps work and teaching in an urban setting. What’s that they say about the best laid plans? Three kids in four years and my plate felt plenty full at home. Then my youngest son turned two and God renewed a passion I’d nearly forgotten about. He began with a gentle whisper-read this book, listen to this speaker, “go”- and ended with the Costa Rica Mission Trip falling right in my lap.

I was sincere in my passion to help, to learn about another culture, and to share an ever growing love for Christ. So, in January 2011, I found myself on the shores of the Sarapiqui River in Chilamate, Costa Rica, gargantuan trees draping the river, the rainforest within reach, a gaggle of kids burying my feet in the sand as Pastor Geraldine and her mom led worship service.

We sang songs together and shared communion, our group from Minnesota and a group of people who were technically strangers but felt more like family already. I am by no means fluent in Spanish, yet no translation was necessary. The sermon spoke to me in the languages of faith and love and devotion to our loving God. I felt God closer than I’d ever felt before, within reach just like the rainforest, a peaceful presence in my soul unlike anything I’ve experienced. I felt God’s whisper of “go” become a steady and persistent drumming in my ear. “Love, be my hands and feet, keep going.”

My passion to help and learn and share remains sincere, but now I fully understand that each mission experience, whether in Costa Rica or in Minneapolis, brings me closer to God and closer to God’s beautiful plans for my life.

Lord, Thank you for your faithful patience as we make plans for our lives rather than follow your will. Guide us, Lord, through the hills and valleys of life, holding us close to you when we stray. We pray that this world would know your peace and love and that you would use us to share your story of love, justice, and mercy to those near and far.


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