Iglesia Luterana Costarricense

Wittenberg Fest 2016


We cordially invite you to participate in the cultural liturgical Wittenberg Fest-Week, through which we are getting to know the meaning of the Protestant Reform's legacy in the ecumenical community. We are preparing ourselves for the celebration of 500 years of reform in 2017.

Thursday 13th of October 2016

worship service1. Inclusive Mass of the Project ILCO-UNED

In the year 2005 the Lutheran Church of Costa Rica iniciated the Pastoral of Inclusion, through which social actions were developed and liturgical spaces, where groups are traditionally excluded from the experience of belief and community, celebrate integrated into the life of the church. We invite you to watch the video, Inclusive Worshihp Service. Watch video!




 Friday 21st of October 2016

2. Liturgy and Meeting with the Pastoral Team in Quitirrisí

equipos pastorales guaco

The western region of the Lutheran Church of Costa Rica had a meeting of Pastoral Teams in the sector of Guaco, where the movie "Martin Luther" was watched together due to the celebration of 499 years of the Protestant Reform. Around 25 people of different ages from the communities (Guaco and San Juan) participated in the activity. They sang cheerfull songs together and prayers were led by Pastor Julio Melara and his youth music group. To the end of the evening people were invited to a delicious dinner. 

  Saturday 22nd of October 2016

3. First Meeting of the Women "Artisans for Life"

artesanas ubl

The past sunday, 22nd of october, in line of the Wittenberg Fest's opening activities the first meeting of the Women "Artisans for Life" took place. This group of 45 women from the communities of Sarapiquí, Guápiles, Puriscal, San Sebastián, Carpio and Alajuelita met in the Biblical University of Latin America.

The space is used to give the artisans the opportunity of getting to know and socializing with the different methods of work in each community. Apart from that the exhibitor Sra. Claris Badilla took part as representative of INAMU, which offers motivational and organizing talks. Moreover Sra. Xinia Borbón who has been working for 21 years accompanying the group of artisans and Sra. Martha Girón who has been working for 7 years, especially in the community of La Carpio, were given a Certificate of Recognition. It was unanimously decided to have this event take place annualy with the objective of offering continuous education to women regarding other related topics. The meeting was given the name Catedra Lilia Jiménez, in honor of the woman who founded the church and preceded this concept of Artisan Women.

4. Exchange Unit UNED-ILCO, Sarapiquí

conversatorio sarapiqui 1This activity was realized in line of the agreement ILCO-UNED, with the  goal of coordinating conversations and the exchange of  experiences with Communities of Faith from en ecumenical perspective. This first exchange had the principal topic of a short introduction into the life of Martin Luther and the ILCO's mission. The newsletter "Despertar Luterano" (The Lutheran Awakening) was distributed and served as a reference for some of the discussed topics. The meeting took place in the central offices of the State Distance University UNED in Sarapiquí, Puerto Viejo.

5. Opening of the Wittenberg Fest

wittenbergfest 2016

The 22nd of october the opening of the Wittenberg Fest-Week  took place to iniciate a series of activities in memory of 499 years of the Protestant Reform. The occasion was celebrated by a demonstration by the Group of Traditional Nicaraguan Dance, a presentation by the Musical Group Family Melara and of course with a prayer for a blessed celebration. The objective is to emphasize the universal impact of this historic event and specifically its influence in Costa Rica. 

Moreover there was an exhibition of banners with historical information and illustrations of Luther's life and the Protestant Reform.

Sunday 23rd of October

6. Youth Mass in Alajuelita: Youth Ready to Move the church

misa juvenil alajuelita 2016

In the community Brothers and Sisters of Jesus youth from Alajuelita, La Carpio, La Esperanza de Chilamate, San Pedro and San Pablo met to celebrate a youth service together and by this iniciate the activities related to the Wittenberg Fest-Week and the Protestant Reform. The mass was attended by about 30 young people who reflected the topic: Youth ready to move the Church

“In the constant reforming of the church young people play a special and important role", said Pastor Joaquín.

“Just as Martin Luther broke the structures and rules of the catholic church of his century, sometimes young people have the obligation to break and question the sometimes rigid rules there are." The basis of the comments which Joaquín gave about the thoughts of the young people which were present were connected text of the prophet Jeremiah, who when he was young in his uncertainty was called to his mission and to whom God said the same motivational words: "Do not say that you are very young!"

7. Intercommunitary Meeting Rural, Chilamate

chilamate wittenberg 2016

The communities of San Julián, El Jardín and La Esperanza met this sunday the 23rd in the community of Chilamate as part of the opening activities of the Wittenberg Fest regarding the topic "An Always Reforming Church".

After the celebration the participants shared lunch and moreover played different Cooperation Games with support of teacher Norberto and two young people from the church's project of employment. Apart from having "Fútbol Calle" (Street Soccer) with the childern and youth, they also give dance classes.


 Wednesday 26th of October

8. Discussion: Laico Government and Human Rights

estado laico web

The Lutheran Church of Costa Rica, together with the state University long-distance UNED invited to the discussion "Laico government and human rights" with exhibitions of Lic. Larissa Arrozo and Professor Arnoldo Mora, specialists in human rights. They referred to the current situation of these topics in Costa Rica.

The ILCO considers the constitutional jurisdiction to not need to refer to God, as to say to open irrespective spaces and the use of God's name in vain. On the other side civil servants who are rightfully invested in their responsibility do not do this from their perspective of belief but their civic perspective. If the state wants the civilian rightfully present, what is done is according to the state, not religion.

The proposal is to change the "Article 75 of the constitution which means to say: Every person is free to adopt and practice a religion which respects human rights, or not to practice any religion. The state shall be neutral in the topic of religion but guarantees the exercise of this liberty according to the law."


Thursday 27th of October

9. Taizé Mass

misa taize 2016

Come sprit of love!, a meditative liturgy with various elements like: Psalms, lectures, songs and silence. "One of the primary obejctives of this meditative mass is to be a useful sign for the world. We as christians are also called to be a useful sign in the sense of practicing the truth. One must be prepared to break the chains of injustice, to be sensible of suffering and to take responsibility. 


Friday 28th of October

10. International Video Conference

video conferenciaII

It is a pleasure for the  Lutheran Church of Costa Rica to present the video conference on the topic "Grace and Gender Identity", which is a huge challenge not only for society but also for churches, that often contradict the gospel and use it to preach fear, guilt, shame and decide unilaterally who are to be saved and who aren't.
In this video a number of representatives of Lutheran World Churches were gathered who shared their experiences and opinions. For the Costa Rican Lutheran Church, Alexa Araya, Trans Theology Diploma, Trans Pastor Asher O´Callaghan from the Extraordinary Lutheran Ministries in California, United States, Trans Pastor Anne Christine Ruuth; from the Church in Sweden, and Mr Wade Poust, representative of Holy Trinity Lutheran Church.
We present this controversial issue, "Grace and Gender Identity", not only because of discriminated and vulnerable groups, but also because this matter allows churches put into practice the merciful act of God, who through grace gives us the salvation and eternal life through faith in Christ for everyone.
The recognition of Sexual Diversity is part of the Reformation Mission, a message that is based in John 3:16: For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.


 Saturday 29th of October

11. Youth Party

fiesat disco

The topic of the youth party 2016 had reference to the epoc of disco, one of the generations that is today remembered with nostalgia and happiness and which opened passage to icons of pop culture.


Domingo 30 octubre

12. Commerative Mass of the Protestant Reform

iglesia alemana

The celebration of reformation day took place in the name of an interdenominational celebration in the building of the German Evanglical Lutheran Church in Rohmoser, in which representatives from different churches took part: Baptist, Morava, Menonita, ILCO. It was opened by Pastor Mathias Westerholt and Pastor Geraldina Álvarez, who in the name of the ILCO gave a message of unity: "We are gathered here in the name of God who inspires and strengthenes us, and on the eve of 500 years of reformation that don't only call for celebration but also to reflect on spreading salt and light in a torn world which needs to be transformed, renovated and further transformed."

The music was made ny the group "Son de la Tierra" (They are from Earth), the choirs that sang are of the Moravian and German Church.


Friday 4th of November

16. Play

Topic: The Turmoil of the Swan

Venue: Central Offices

Time: 06:30 pm

Saturday 5th of November

17. Play

Topic: The Turmoil of the Swan

Venue: Central Offices

Time: 06:30 pm


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