Iglesia Luterana Costarricense

Baptism in the Sola Gracia Community of Grecia

The Sola Gracia Community of Grecia celebrated with great joy the Holy Sacrament of Baptism. 

bau6baustizoThe activity was held on June 11 in the community chapel, where the parishioners, special guests, the godmothers and family members of Sara Zepeda Silva, Cristoper Silva Cortes and Dilan Silva Cortes, who received the sacrament of baptism from the hands of Pastor Jeffry Campos, participated.

Pastor Jeffry Capos tells us that,

"The sacrament of Baptism as the beginning of a Christian life is a welcome to the life of the Church of Christ, which invites us to enter into his death and resurrection through the sign of water".

The godmothers also made public vows of their commitment to follow, form and assist in the Christian formation of the newly baptized.

Finally, all the attendees in the celebration participated in the Holy Communion, which culminated a very emotional service, full of faith and hope.

The Sola Gracia church is characterized for being an autonomous community with its own land, chapel,bau1 green area, garden whose resources come from the work of Pastor Jeffry Campos, which makes it a pioneer as a model church not dependent on external sources of funding.

We thank the president of the Costa Rican Lutheran Church Jeannete Perez and her husband for accompanying us on this important date for the community, emphasizing that this is the first visit of the presidency of the Lutheran Church in the area of Grecia since its founding and consolidation as a community of faith.

capilla sola gracia

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