Iglesia Luterana Costarricense

una iglesia sin paredes.

Bringing Hope to Isla Chira after the tropical Storm Nate

Representatives of the Asociación Comunitaria Conservacionista de Turismo Alternativo Rural (ACTUAR)  and the Costa Rican Lutheran Church together with Coalition ACT Alliance made a visit to Isla Chira in order to execute the programme CRC171, which consits in bringing food baskets to the families that were affected by the storm Nate.

isla chira slideILCO startet it's participation in the ACT network in Central America in 2009. This network belongs to ACT alliance international, which is a coalition of 146 churches and faith-based organisations working together in over 100 countries in order to supply knowledge and support in emergency situations and natural disasters and by doing so identify the factors of vulnerability and the inmediate needs of the affected communities.

Within the implementation of the programme there was also made an informative work, like interviews with the communal leader Liliana Martinez and the fisherman Tomás Peréz, witnesses who not only talk about their problems and needs but also about a vision of hope and the fight for their citizen rights.

Nate is one of the greatest natural disasters which experienced the country in the last decades and ends a very difficult year in terms of disasters. Maybe there were two determinant factors: the country has already been heavily affected by the hurricane Otto and the year 2017 that left behind a very vulnerable territory.

One of the characteristics of disasters is that they show development problems in infrastructure and poverty that sometimes might not be directly connected to the emergency but very connected to development. Therefore, in their help and humanitary assistence ACT supports the affected communities with different actions, like food safety; water, health and hygiene and re-establishment of life resources and domestic tools.

In the following links you can download a serie of informative material that illustrates our work in bringing assistance to communities affected by natural impacts.

Liliana Martinez   Tomás Pérez

With this link you can watch our illustrative video:


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